Tuesday, July 30, 2002

valdez -- ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend with whom the breakup was especially awful. [derived from the "Exxon Valdez."]

Ex: "no, I haven't seen my valdez since he tried to run me down with his pickup truck."

Wednesday, July 10, 2002

digiorno -- caesarian section.

Ex. it's not delivery, it's digiorno.

Friday, June 07, 2002

Urology rotation - possible blow off line for someone who could take you for a med student.

Ex: So can we hang out sometime?

Sorry, I'm super busy right now. I just started my urology rotation. Gotta go!

Wednesday, May 29, 2002

therapy - sex, especially when one potential participant is not nearly as motivated as the other

Ex: Come on baby, it's therapy.

Friday, April 26, 2002

Faux-Mo - (foe-moe) n. Hair that is styled like a Mohawk but does not actually involve shaving the sides of the head. (thanks Lester)

Ex: I saw my first faux-mo last week. Weird. Tacky. Did he use bobbypins? Lots of gel? Huh.

Alternative spellings: FauxHawk

Thursday, April 18, 2002

Margaret Yang - Since it turns out that most white men don't know any Asian girls (though I wouldn't know why), this is a term for that bright shining potential Asian girl in the sky. Ex: "Come with me to this Asian American heritage festival or (insert very ethnic event here) - you could meet your Margaret Yang!"

And then you won't be alone on Halloween . . .

Tuesday, April 02, 2002

ricky rocked - screwed, housed, or had but much, much worse than being jimmy rocked
ex: "Now you have to repeat a grade? Dude, you got ricky rocked on that math test!"
jimmy rocked - screwed, housed (if you talk like you're in the late '80's), or had
ex: "37? Dude, you got jimmy rocked on that math test!"